90. The minutes of the hearing are drafted based on the model created by the Commission. This model includes the following elements:(1) the location, date and start and end times of the hearing;
(2) the application number and type;
(3) the name of the member overseeing the hearing;
(4) the use, if applicable, of the most appropriate means of communication;
(5) the name of each party and if applicable, the respective names of their representatives and witnesses;
(6) the presence or absence of a party and its representative;
(7) the name of the certified interpreter or, as the case may be, that of the person authorized by virtue of section 86;
(8) the various phases of the hearing, along with the recording stamps;
(9) the items of evidence produced and the numbers assigned to them;
(10) the start date of the deliberations.
The minutes, moreover and as applicable, also include the following elements:(1) related applications and objections;
(2) formal admissions with a determining influence on the hearing or the decision to be rendered;
(3) decisions rendered during the course of the hearing;
(4) commitments agreed to by a party along with their end dates;
(5) all other useful information.